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Elderflower & Rose Vinegar

~ Elderflower & Rose Vinegar ~

These freshly picked Elderflowers & Rose Petals from my garden will slowly infuse in Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for at least a month before I strain & bottle. This makes the most delicious & aromatic vinegar which I then use in salad dressings, or combined with honey & hot water for medicinal purposes.

Infusing wild weeds & medicinal plants into vinegar is a very quicky & simple process, which allows the medicinal properties + the flavor of the plants to infuse into the vinegar. Simply pop the fresh plant material into a clean glass jar, cover with raw apple cider vinegar, cap & label. Leave to infuse at least 4 weeks before straining & bottling. Remember to label! Most vinegar looks the same once strained...

My Elderflowers are finally flowering but I haven't had a moment to make my favorite Elderflower Champagne/Fizz yet (recipe on my website), so instead I'm starting with the vinegar infusion.

Elderflower is packed with vitamins A, B, C, and E, & is particularly useful during the winter cold & flu season. It is known to have anti viral, anti bacterial, anti inflammatory & anticatarrhal properties as well as stimulating the immune system. Therefore great for coughs, colds, flu, fevers, sinus, hayfever, sore throats & respiratory infections. The flowers are used to tonify and strengthen mucous membranes hence it's use in treating respiratory tract conditions.

p.s. my foraging guides contain recipes for each plant covered, simple & quick, easy to follow, for you to experiment with wild plants in your own kitchen. Find out more & grab my foraging guides at: