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Fucshia spp

Fucshia, Fucshia spp

Almost 110 species of Fuchsia are recognized, all of which the flowers are edible, including the NZ Native Kōtukutuku.

Fuschia has stunning, pendulous, jewel-toned blossoms, with hues ranging from the softest pinks to the deepest purples and reds. Each blossom is a delicate dancer, gracefully swaying in the garden breeze, as kids we always called these ballerina’s, and would twirl them with our fingers to watch their skirts spin around like ballet dancers.

The flowers make stunning decorations in food: topping cakes, in baking, candied, frozen in ice.

Fuchsias lure beneficial pollinators such as butterflies, and bees to their nectar-rich blossoms. Propagating fuchsias via cuttings is really easy and I've spread them throughout my garden by inserting cuttings directly into the soil. Gathering snippets from various fuchsia varieties in friends' gardens to strike at home can be a rewarding experience.

In Victorian flower language, Fuchsia symbolizes abundance, grace, and good taste —a testament to its timeless elegance.

The NZ Native Kōtukutuku (Fuchsia excorticata) – not pictured – will be coming into flower over Summer. I like to pick off the fully ripened berries to nibble on as a treat. The flavor of the berries falls somewhere between that of a grape in terms of texture and a blueberry in taste. Interestingly, these berries are known for their suitability as ink, and the plant is utilized in vapor baths in Rongoa Maori.

Discover an array of edible flowers in my Online Foraging Course. For a limited time, (this week only), enrol and enjoy a special $100 discount. Explore the course content at your own pace, taking in the knowledge at your leisure.