Upcoming Foraging Workshops: Auckland 25 March. Wellington 5 April. Book now!

Gathering a Wild Salad

Gathering a wild salad from my wild garden. Wild in my garden? Yes, everything pictured is growing in what is supposed to be the 'pathway' to my 'orchard' (forest garden styles), & it has self seeded there on it's own, no help from me, so yes it's WILD.

The other day a friend asked if it's possible to make a salad 100% from weeds. Well did I chuckle, because that's what I make every single day, & for all of my foraging workshops. To the point that my 13 year old now says "Mum, just because you like showing strangers how to eat weeds, doesn't mean that we have to eat a Wild Weed Salad every single day!"....yes, we eat a wild weed salad everyday!

So yes, you can make a salad 100% with wild weeds, which you'l probably find growing abundantly in your own garden, or if not, somewhere in your neighbourhood. There is really no need to buy plastic wrapped lettuces or herbs from the supermarket once you've upped your foraging know how.

My favorites, in the picture are:
~ Chickweed
~ Miners Lettuce
~ Onion weed
~ Young Puha
~ Plantain
~ Nasturtium
~ Dandelion
~ Edible flowers including Dandelion, Onionweed, Nasturtium, Viola Tricolor, Red Clover
You could also throw in Daisies, Violets, any fruit flower, Abutilon, Calendula, Fennel, Mint, Purple Dead Nettle, Clovers, etc

You'll learn all about most of these plants plus many more in my Foraging Guides & Online Foraging Course.