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Hot Lime Pickle Recipe

Hot Lime Pickle Recipe
If you have an abudnance of Limes, this is the perfect way to preserve them and enjoy their punchy, fresh flavor all year long. I'm lucky to have a pumping Lime tree which drops it's fruit all over the ground each winter/spring. Over the years I've fallen in love with the lime pickle that I make each winter and can't live without a jar on hand anymore.
This year we 'renewal' pruned our lime tree which was full of borer, so we have no limes. Luckily a friend down our street has an abundance, so I'm making my annual batch of Hot Lime Pickle with her limes. I don't know what I would have done without her and the limes!
This Pickle uses a combination of spices and hot chillis, making it super hot. I love it like this so that when a meal is a little bland (or kid friendly) those that prefer heat or want to spice it up can add a spoon or two of lime pickle. It totally transforms any dish.
Note that you need to start this recipe the day before.

Hot Lime Pickle Recipe
~ Wash & cut 15 limes into 1cm cubes
~ Combine with 1 tbsp salt, 1tbsp tumeric & 10 sliced green chillies (or 1tbsp hot chilli powder).
~ Cover & leave on the bench overnight
~ The next day heat a little sunflower oil in a large heavy bottomed pot & gently cook 1 tsp fenugreek seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 1 tsp hot chilli powder, 5cm fresh finely grated ginger.
~ Cook gently for 2-3 mins.
~ Add the lime mix to spice mix.
~ Gently simmer for 20mins until the pickle starts to thicken & soften.
~ Stir in 2tsp sugar, 1 Tbsp vinegar, mix well & cook another 5 mins.
~ The pickle should be ready now. If it's too thick and sticky add a tbsp of water at a time until it reaches a slightly wetter consistency.
~ Spoon into sterilised jars. Push the pickle down well to make sure the jar is full without any bubbles or air gaps. You can use a clean knife to help release air bubbles.
~ Seal, label & store.
~ Leave for a couple of months before opening for the flavors to mellow & mature.
~ This is SUPER spicy & has a very strong lime flavor, use in very small doses! Start with 1 tsp at a time.
Delcious spooned onto curries, dahls, tacos, mexcian flavored dishes, asian dishes etc, anywhere that needs a pungent, spicy, lime hit.
In summer I take a few jars camping and a simple snack or meal is made by simply combining a few spoons of lime pickle with freshly sliced tomatoes and serving with corn chips. This is easily made in the back of the van with just one bowl & a knife, my kind of camp cooking!