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Onionweed & Miso pesto

~ Onionweed & Miso pesto ~
OMG the most delicious pesto ever! How did we not discover this sooner?
Last week I made one of my favorite, quick & easy meals from Emma Galloway 's recipe book 'My Darling Lemon Thyme' - the Carrot, Cumin + Red Lentil Soup. I wanted to make her amazing coriander & cashew pesto to go with it, but had no coriander. I was wondering what else I had in the garden that I could use that would still taste good with the lentil soup & decided to use onionweed....so I can give all the credit for the idea of adding miso paste into a pesto to Emma on this one!
Wowowowoow, the onionweed pesto was amazing.
I couldn't actually find Emma's recipe at the time, so just freestyled from memory, and loosely this is how I made it:
~ a large handful of fresh onionweed stalks, which when roughly chopped up loosely filled 2 cups
~ 1/2 cup cashew nuts
~ 1 Tbsp miso paste
~ good pinch of salt & pepper
~ just under 1/4 cup olive oil
All of this went into a high speed blender & was whizzed until it was fully blended. It came out very smoothe & creamy. If yours is to hard you could add some water. Like I said we weren't measuring anything, so above is a guesstimate, and you could add more or less of any ingredient to your liking.
These resulting pesto was spectacular and I now want to put it on EVERYTHING that I'm eating.