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Tuatua & Pipi

~ Foraging Tuatua & Pipi ~

On my recent trip to the Coromandel I was blown away when a wave receded on the sandy beach to reveal a whole bed of Tuatua on the surface. The Tuauta very quickly dug their way into the sand with their ‘foot’, whilst I scrambled to gather the largest ones for dinner. This brought back very fond memories of my first foraging experiences as a child, gathering Pipi. We lived on the beachfront and would regularly dig for pipi with our toes at low tide. I vividly remember the buckets of pipi soaking in salt water overnight on the deck & the stink if any got forgotten!

In recent years I’ve struggled to find Pipi at my local beaches, which many people also commented on in my last post, I’ll talk more about that below. But first, let’s learn a bit more about the Tuatua which I found in the Coromandel.

Tuatua (Paphies subtriangulata) is a species of shellfish native to New Zealand, prized for its delicate flavor. You’ll find Tuatua along sandy beaches, typically in the intertidal zones, where they burrow just beneath the surface. They are particularly abundant on North Island beaches but are also present in parts of the South Island. They thrive in areas with clean, sandy sediments and good water flow, which provide the oxygen and nutrients they need.

Tuatua have smooth, triangular shells that are slightly elongated. The shells are usually white to pale cream, sometimes with subtle pink or yellow hues. Tuatua are slightly larger, more triangular and elongated than Pipi (Paphies australis) and their hinge is positioned differently. Pipis have a central hinge with rounder and more symmetrical shells. Tuatua prefer open, sandy beaches, while pipi are more commonly found in estuaries and sheltered bays with muddy or sandy substrates. Tohera are another species which are much larger & it’s prohibited to gather Tohera due to dwindling populations.

Tuatua (or Pipi) can be harvested by digging into the sand at low tide, this is usually done with your toes. They are often found just below the surface, where waves lap the shore. You can often see where they are by looking for lots of little bubble holes in the sand.

Tuatua are rich in protein and provide essential minerals like iron, zinc, and iodine. They are a healthy seafood option when consumed fresh and in moderation.

To prepare Tuatua or Pipi you first need to purge the sand. Do this by putting your harvest into a bucket full of seawater and leave overnight, the shellfish will purge the sand overnight. Rinse off the following day with fresh water before cooking.

You can prepare your shellfish many ways, they can be steamed, boiled, grilled, or used in recipes like Tuatua fritters (Mix tuatua meat with eggs, flour, herbs, and seasoning, then fry until golden), Seafood Chowder (Add tuatua meat to a creamy broth with vegetables and other seafood), Boiled or Raw, my favorite way.

Either cover the shellfish with boiling water and leave to sit for a few mintues, then crack the shells open with a knife and eat (almost raw), they are deliciously soft and have a very delicate flavor when prepared this way. Or you can simmer the shellfish in boiling water until well cooked (the shells will crack open once cooked), this is an easier way to eat the Tuatua/Pipi however the flesh can become tough & chewy.

Harvesting is regulated in NZ to ensure sustainability. Always check local size and bag limits for the region in which you’re foraging and adhere to rāhui (temporary closures) if in place.
You can download the NZ Fishing Rules app for free by texting the word ‘app’ to 9889. You can also free text the name of the species you are gathering for (e.g. tuatua or pipi) to 9889 and receive legal size and bag limit via return text. Visit www.fisheries.govt.nz/rules for more info.

Tuatua & Pipi populations have faced increased pressure from recreational and commercial gathering. Responsible harvesting practices are absolutely essential. Even if the harvest limit is 50 or 150, this does not mean that you must take that many. Take only what you need & leave the rest! In the Coromandel the limit was 50 per person, but we did not need that many for our meal so gathered a lot less.

There’s many factors threatening the natural habitats of shellfish including: Excessive gathering of pipi, especially if legal size limits or harvesting bans are not respected. Runoff from agriculture, urban development, and other human activities which can degrade water quality, making it harder for pipi to thrive. Coastal development, dredging, and changes in sediment composition can disturb the natural environment.

If you'd like to learn about sustainably & confidently foraging (especially for wild plants) then check out my Online Foraging Course, my 4 x Foraging Guides & my in person/comprehensive Foraging Workshops.