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Winter Solstice

~ Winter Solstice Blessings ~
As we pass through the longest, darkest night, we turn our facess towards the sun & look forward to increasing daylight, & longer, warmer days.
Solstice marks a time to reflect on what has been, and look forward to what will come.
Living by the seasons, growing my own food, nuturing my own garden, naturally brings me into alignment with the cycles of the moon & sun. Without even thinking about it, it just is. By spending time every day in the garden, bare hands in the dirt, you can't help but witness & become a part of every little change in the cycles of the seasons.
This week I (very belatedly) havested my Kumara (reaping what I have sown), & yesterday I pulled out the very last of my tomatoes & created a new bed for potatoes (looking forward to the next season), covering the soil with layers of fallen Ginkgo leaves (letting go of what has been). The leaves will rot down & nourish the soil, creating space for what is to come.
We always mark Solstice with a bonfire, (albeit a small one!). This is often when I will burn my fruit tree prunings (it's a good idea to burn them to avoid build up or spread of disease or bacteria among fruit trees) & by this point they are dry enough to burn. The wood ashes will later go into the compost heap or be spread onto alkaline loving plants. It's all one big circle of life.
Last night I also enjoyed a Cacao, Havan & Kirtan with like minded local community & tonight my children celebrate the changing season with their school Midwinter Lantern Festival (Waldorf Steiner styles, which is always a treat & actually the most anticipated event & highlight of the whole entire year).